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Bath Artists Studios Open
Artist Studio, Gallery

Bath Artists Studios

Bath Artists’ Stu­dios is the largest col­lec­tive of artists and mak­ers in Bath, and is a reg­is­tered arts char­i­ty that sup­ports and pro­motes the arts.

Bath Artists Studios are the largest provider of studio space in Bath.

With over 50 workspaces, Bath Artists’ Studios is the largest and most diverse creative hub in Bath and North East Somerset. For over 20 years, we have provided workspace accommodation for a rich and inclusive mix of painters, sculptors, printmakers, community artists, photographers, ceramicists and makers.

The number of practitioners that have based themselves at the studios over the last two decades can now be counted in the hundreds. As an educational charity, many members are experienced educators regularly teaching or leading workshops in schools, community organisations, HE/FE or other cultural institutions. Our partnerships see us working with universities, hospitals, and arts and health organisations to develop outreach projects. The studios hold many community-engaging exhibitions and workshops around the calendar year.

Connecting the Community through Creativity

Please check the times on our website for opening times as they will vary depending on the exhibition.

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