8 DA040 A1 9768 4 E12 8 B7 B 3 C47 DAD48 BA0
ED1 E422 F DC1 E 491 F 9864 64 F19100 FADE
Festival, Venue

Godolphin Arts and Heritage (GCCA)

Com­mu­ni­ty led char­i­ty with a mul­ti pur­pose restored chapel deliv­er­ing a pro­gramme that explores rur­al her­itage through the arts

Godolphin Arts and Heritage is the creative programme of the Godolphin Cross Community Association. We deliver an annual programme of festivals, events, workshops, walks and talks that draws together our community and deepens our understanding of our rich heritage through collaboration with artists and specialists in many fields from mining, ecology and archaeology.
8 DA040 A1 9768 4 E12 8 B7 B 3 C47 DAD48 BA0

Find Godolphin Arts and Heritage (GCCA)