The A Rt Cohort 5th Oct
7218 B45 E AD97 48 CF 9993 47 ED5 D73 AB74
Gallery, Project Space

The Art Cohort

The Art Cohort is an inter-gen­er­a­tional com­mu­ni­ty focused art­space cham­pi­oning emerg­ing art and artists.

The Art Cohort is an inter-generational community focused artspace championing emerging art and artists.

We believe everyone is an artist and our mission is to nurture and grow that creativity - from professional artists through to adults and children who want to get hands on and be creative.

The space is a combination of:
Exhibition space – showcasing exhibitions across a range of art disciplines.
Studio Workshop – hands on making space where we run art classes and workshops.
Resident Artist Studio – we host an annual Artist Residency at The Art Cohort with an artist in-house working towards a solo exhibition in the Exhibition space.
Art Shop – The Art Cohort stocks work from artists and makers and a selection of art supplies.

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