
Film-maker for museum learning project

We want to com­mis­sion a film-mak­er to make 3 short films (suit­able for school-aged chil­dren) that demon­strate cre­ative prac­ti­tion­ers’ skills.

23:59 08/10/21
Contact Name
Jane Hack
The Learning Team at Bristol Museums is developing teaching and learning resources exploring the work of creative practitioners from diverse backgrounds including professional artists, printmakers, sculptors, ceramicists, metalworkers, textile artists, poets, actors, musicians or dancers.

These will:
•Showcase creative practitioners who are currently under-represented in our programmes, particularly people of African-Caribbean heritage
•Demonstrate to children and young people the wide range of creative activities that are undertaken across the city
•Broaden children’s ideas about possible career pathways
•Inspire children, young people and teachers across Bristol to engage in creative activities

This commission is only open to people living within the West of England Combined Authority (Bristol, South Gloucestershire and Bath & North East Somerset)

Please submit an expression of interest and include:
•An introduction to you, including: name, postcode, preferred pronoun and how you heard about this opportunity (up to 200 words)
•A short statement (maximum 200 words) outlining your suitability for this work, including your knowledge of, or interest in, arts/crafts/culture, and why you would like to undertake this project
•Up to three examples of previous work
•A completed equality and diversity form (cut and paste this link):
Moving Image