ICOS Soro WEB 1800x1200 c center

Amitai Romm Solo exhibition

Ami­tai Romm fea­tures in her first UK solo exhi­bi­tion, cre­at­ing works in sculp­ture and sound to explore sci­en­tif­ic mod­el­ling and its possibilities

The first UK solo exhibition by artist Amitai Romm explores how scientific modelling relates to more open-ended forms of world-making. Romm encrypts and relays data from one of the world’s oldest continuous datasets of carbon sequestration — an environmental sensing system set up in a mature beech forest in east Denmark in 1996 — to produce new works in sculpture and sound, from a series of parabola satellites moulded from plant fibres to the minor oscillations of a low-frequency drone.
ICOS Soro WEB 1800x1200 c center
Sculpture Sound