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Workshops & Courses

Free Family Workshop - Animal Paper Plates

Cel­e­brate St Pauls Car­ni­val with your very own ani­mal paper plate.

St Paul's Carnival is a celebration of Afro Caribbean culture in Bristol. It began in 1968 and since then has grown to become to one of Bristol's biggest events of music, dance, creativity and community. For more information and updates on this years St Paul's Carnival programme visit here

As St Paul's Carnival cannot take place in-person this year we want to celebrate with you the vibrancy and creativity that St Paul's Carnival is all about on the Saturday in July it would normally take place. Join artist Melissa Cooney for this online workshop and make your favorite animal for a carnival at home!

Materials you will need:
• Paper plates
• lolipop/ craft sticks
• Coloured card
• Scissors
• Glue
• tape
• Paints and paintbrushes
• Coloured pens/ crayons / markers
• Googly eyes, pompoms, feathers & other decorative materials (optional)
This workshop is being held on Zoom. Please book onto the workshop, then at least one day before the workshop you will be sent the Zoom meeting details and password. Adults must stay in the room with their children for the duration of the workshop for safeguarding reasons.
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