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How to be a Successful Woman in the Workplace by Jojo Lewis

Vis­it our new RIPE exhi­bi­tion How to Be a Suc­cess­ful Woman in the Work­place’ by Jojo Lewis

For this Hidden Wardrobe show, artist and RIPE graduate Jojo Lewis will be exhibiting a new satirical work called How to Be a Successful Woman in the Workplace.

“The piece shows the absurdity of some of the many ways women are oppressed. The guide was made with a nod to mansplaining (the explanation of something by a man, typically to a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronising).

It also features issues such as the gender pay gap, the glass ceiling, unfair dismissal, sexual misconduct and women not having voices.

Globally, women hold just 29% of senior leadership positions and only 20% are CEOs or Managing Directors. And whilst businesses might be starting to implement actions to achieve gender parity, 22% of businesses globally still take no action to ensure gender diversity. (information found at:"

You can also join us on Friday 18th March at 6pm for the launch event at the Hidden Wardrobe on Old Northam Road. If you are unable to attend don’t worry, we will also be launching the exhibition online on our YouTube channel

Exhibition on display in the windows of the Hidden Wardrobe. Visit 24/7.