Sign Design
Public Art

Janet Ventre Public Art Commission

Fol­low­ing a suc­cess­ful fund­ing bid, the Torquay Town Cen­tre Com­mu­ni­ty Part­ner­ship have been able to com­mis­sion local artist, Janet Ventre.

05/10/21 – 17/10/21
The work will be produced over 2 weeks at Artizan Gallery and will provide the opportunity to see Janet at work as it is being made in Lucius Street. In addition, anyone can also have a go at making their own small mosaic piece, simply drop in any day between Noon and 3.30PM.

As part of the process Janet carried out extensive research before coming up with the final design.

When completed the work will be sited on the raised bed on the corner of Lucius Street to welcome visitors to the area.

In addition, Janet will be showing some of her other work that she produces from her studio at Cockington Court.

Open daily 10 am - 4 pm

For more information visit-
Sign Design
Public art