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Family Friendly

Junior Print Club

Suit­able for all ages but loose­ly aimed at 511 year olds. 10 spaces avail­able per work­shop. Last Sun­day of every month, 10am – 12pm

Come and explore the world of print in a dedicated space. Using collage, texture and a diversity of mark making effects in a variety of print. We will explore tone, colour, shape and composition in making safe, child friendly printing processes.

We will develop our creative ideas and art, in a supportive environment through drawing, in fun and imaginative ways.The workshops will help you develop some take-home pieces but also be part of building up an exhibition at Ocean Studios for young people as part of Print in Action.

Ticket fees are Pay What You Decide

You will be presented with suggested prices but the decision of what you'll pay will be entirely your choice.

What is Print in Action?

#Printinaction2022 brings printmakers from Plymouth and beyond together, revealing incredible talent, and celebrating print in its inspiring forms. Led by the community of printmakers at Ocean Studios and starting in April 2022.

Print in Action is a six-month programme of workshops, masterclasses, talks and discussions, culminating in a three-day festival from 21st – 23rd October 2022. For more information please visit realideas.org/print-in-action/
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