Bethlehem RT sm

Lorna Goldfinch (2021)

An exhi­bi­tion by Lor­na Goldfinch

15/07/21 – 19/07/21
Opening Times
Sun–Mon, 10:00 – 17:00
Tue–Wed, Closed
Thu–Sat, 10:00 – 17:00
"Lorna Goldfinch is an artist who moves around the world collecting stories, before hiding out in Malmö, Sweden to paint and skate for a few months each year. Her intricate watercolour representations of urban buildings and structures capture something more than just the bricks and mortar. They become the lens through which she views the world, and show something of the complex character and sociology of urban environments. The bodies of work telling tales of a changing world and something of the people that create the societies in which we live."
Bethlehem RT sm
Drawing Painting