BSL Level 3 Facebook Post
Workshops & Courses

Online Course: British Sign Language (BSL) Level 3

Mul­ti-award-win­ning, inter­na­tion­al­ly acclaimed the­atre com­pa­ny, Ad Infini­tum have a few places left on their online British Sign Lan­guage (BSL) Level3

26/04/22 – 27/05/22
Opening Times
Sun–Mon, Closed
Tue–Thu, 09:30 – 16:30
Fri–Sat, Closed
Multi-award-winning and internationally acclaimed theatre company, Ad Infinitum have a few places left on their online British Sign Language (BSL) Level 3 course led by incredible teacher, John Mancini. These courses are for artists, creatives, producers and staff working in cultural organisations.

At the end of the course is the option to take a nationally recognised qualification from the exam board, Signature.

Please visit our website to find out more about dates, fees and how to book. Places are going fast so make sure to book your spot now on what will be a very exciting course!
BSL Level 3 Facebook Post