Ali Corder workshop

Palace of Culture - Canvas Patchwork Painting

In col­lab­o­ra­tion with V21 Art­space and Arts Coun­cil Col­lec­tion we have cre­at­ed a vir­tu­al Palace using the lat­est com­put­er-gen­er­at­ed imagery.

The magical Palace of Culture returns – but not as you know it! Explore the set created by artists Tony Crosby and Laura Drayson with 10 artworks selected by children at Newlyn School.
Step inside the virtual Palace of Culture and visit the works selected by the children, exploring the supporting audio clips and written text and then go down to the Lower Gallery, where you can select a specially created online artist-led workshop, in sculpture, collage, printmaking, dance, poetry, and other stimulating pursuits for all ages and abilities.

Featured Artist Workshop:
Ali Corder - Canvas Patchwork Painting - 49 minutes – all ages
Inspired by the life and work of Norman Adam’s, Ali creates a patchwork painting which reflects the rapport between the painter and his wife, the poet Anne Adams.
Ali Corder workshop
Digital Painting