9 DCB90 E7 FA6 A 4 A90 B9 C7 31 F4 D77 B2770
Workshops & Courses

Portrait and Figure Drawing - Zoom class

The course pro­vides prac­ti­cal guid­ance cov­er­ing a range of exer­cis­es aimed at improv­ing com­po­si­tion, accu­ra­cy and observation.

This class will be taking place on Zoom and a selection of materials will be provided by post in advance as outlined below.*

The course provides practical guidance covering a range of exercises aimed at improving composition, accuracy and observation, with a view to producing expressive and characterful drawings. Portraiture will be studied in the context of full-length figure drawing. Students will establish a solid foundation in drawing from a life model. For four of the five weeks, you will be drawing from either a male or female model. Suitable for all abilities.

*(If class is booked after 28/05/21 we may not be able to provide all materials, and they may not arrive in time for the first class)
9 DCB90 E7 FA6 A 4 A90 B9 C7 31 F4 D77 B2770