Covid chronicle listing image

The Covid Chronicle

A tex­tile art instal­la­tion cap­tur­ing the inter­na­tion­al col­lec­tive expe­ri­ence of the pan­dem­ic. Vis­it­ing Chip­pen­ham Muse­um on a tour the UK.

09/04/22 – 07/05/22
Opening Times
Sunday, Closed
Mon–Sat, 10:00 – 16:00
A textile art installation capturing the international collective experience of the pandemic. Visiting Chippenham Museum on a tour the UK, The Covid Chronicle features work by 70 textile artists across the world including from the Chippenham community.

The Covid Chronicle is a textile patchwork project to record and commemorate our individual and collective experience of living with Covid. The resulting giant artwork – a kind of Bayeux Tapestry – captures this moment in our history.

Chippenham Museum is free to visit, open 10am – 4pm Monday – Saturday including Bank Holidays.

Late opening until 7pm on Thursday 14 April and Thursday 5 May.
Covid chronicle listing image
Installation Textiles