The Time of Her Life poster Fotor

The Time of Her Life

This show brings togeth­er 39 women who use visu­al art and words to nego­ti­ate their way through the murky waters of peri/​menopause.

01/05/21 – 30/05/21
'The Time of Her Life' brings together 39 women who use visual art and words to express their emotions, thoughts and feelings as they navigate and negotiate their way through the murky waters of perimenopause and menopause.

We are bombarded with positive quotes and uplifting images to remind us that this is a time of celebration and liberation . . . but is it? What were you told? What were you not told? Who were you and who have you become? Indeed, is this inevitable transition worthy of mention at all?

It is an actual exhibition, in that the artists’ works hang on and stand within the diminutive walls of the gallery.
The Time of Her Life poster Fotor