
Unseen Heritage: An Act of Making

Join us for a spe­cial evening of archive films and tra­di­tion­al West Coun­try songs per­formed by folk and her­itage artist Aman­da Boyd. 25th May 7 — 9pm

Join us for a special evening of archive films and traditional West Country songs performed by folk and heritage artist Amanda Boyd.
Themed around An Act of Making, we will be exploring the traditions of brick making, pottery, thatching, pole lathe, broom making, peg making and lacemaking using previously unseen footage from the Windrose Rural Media Trust archive.
A number of these crafts now lie on the endangered heritage crafts list and we are using the evening as an opportunity to highlight their importance and connect with our past communities.
The Heritage Crafts Association will also be joining us for a talk on craft heritage and why creating opportunities to access these is valuable for its survival.
Clayhill Arts has commissioned printmaker Gemma Trickey to respond to the films and incorporate her learnings of the Letterpress process, which is itself an endangered heritage craft. Taking part in a course we held here with The Letterpress Collective earlier this year, we will be showcasing her new print range on the evening of the event. Sales of the prints will be raising money for the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.
Amanda loves being able to combine her passion for local folk songs and heritage, whilst paying homage to those people from our community's past.