
Wiltshire Creative Summer Open Exhibition

Wilt­shire Creative’s Sum­mer Open Exhi­bi­tion has become an excit­ing part of Salisbury’s cul­tur­al diary.

This very uplifting and popular exhibition focuses on the creativity of Southwest based artists.

Once more the exhibition will be the result of an open call-out to artists working across 2D and wall-hung shallow relief disciplines such as painting, drawing, photography, textiles, wood, mixed media, ceramics, glass etc.

It is a great opportunity for visitors to engage with and to purchase artwork created by artists both familiar and new to our Salisbury audience.

The selection panel this year includes:
Sharon Kearley BA Hons, MA – Textile Artist and Lecturer

Tim Scrace BA, BArch, RIBA, ARB – Architect, Lecturer and Artist

Lara Hoad BA Hons - Artist and Young Arts Voice

With Mirka Golden-Hann BA Hons, MA - Resident Artist Head of Visual Arts Wiltshire Creative
Drawing Painting

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